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Tanaka Kenta |
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Researcher Activity Information
- Beyond the merit order effect: Impact of the rapid expansion of renewable energy on electricity market price/Shimomura, M., Keeley, A, R., Matsumoto, K., Tanaka, K., Managi, S./Joint Author/Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews/2024/01
- Who pays and who should pay for the uncertain conservation cost in biodiversity banking programs: Evidence from a laboratory experiment", Environment/Higashida, k., Tanaka, K. , Managi, S./Joint Author/Environment, Development and Sustainability/2023/07
- The impact of weather changes on the supply and demand of electric power and wholesale prices of electricity in Germany /Tanaka, K. Matsumoto, K., Keeley, A, R., Managi, S./Joint Author/Sustainability Science/2022/09
- Is public official training effective at reducing costs? Evidence from survey data on Japanese municipal mergers/Hirota, H., Tanaka, K., Iwata, K./Joint Author/Economic Analysis and Policy/2022/09
- Industrial agglomeration effect for energy efficiency in Japanese production plants/Tanaka, K., Managi, S./Joint Author/Energy policy/2021/09
- MPG illusion and vehicle choice: An empirical study of Japanese household survey/Tanaka, K., Iwata, K., Managi, S./Joint Author/Energies/2021/11
- Social punishment for breaching restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic/Takahashi, R., Tanaka, K./Joint Author/Economic Inquiry/2021/07
- Impact of feed-in tariffs on electricity consumption/Tanaka, K., Clevo, W., Managi, S./Environmental Economics and Policy Studies/2021/03
- The Impact of Renewable Energy Generation on the Spot Market Price in Germany: Ex-Post Analysis using Boosting Method/Keeley, A, R., Matsumoto, K., Tanaka, K., Sugiawan, Y. and Managi, S./Joint Author/Energy Journal/2020/09
- University Students’ Preferences for Labour Conditions at a Mining Site: Evidence from Two Australian Universities/Ito, Y., Mikami, S., Jang, H., Taheri, A., Tanaka, K. and Kawamura, Y./Joint Author/2020/03
- An experimental investigation of bilateral oligopoly in emissions trading markets/Tanaka, K., Matsukawa, I., Managi, S./Joint Author/China Economic Review/2020/02
- 持続可能な資源利用のためのコミュニティマネジメント─共有資源問題を解決するための協力的行動の分析 田中健太 単著 組織科学 2019/12
- The Efficiency of Conservation Banking Schemes with Inter-regionally Tradable Credits and the Role of Mediators/Higashida, K., Tanaka, K., Managi, S./Joint Author/Economic Analysis and Policy/2019/06
- Which performs better under trader settings: double auction or uniform price auction?/Kotani, K., Tanaka, K., Managi, S./Experimental Economics/2019/03
- Inclusive wealth, total factor productivity, and sustainability: An empirical analysis/Sato, M., Tanaka, K., Managi, S./Joint Author/Environmental Economics and Policy Studies/2018/05
- Household electricity demand after the introduction of solar photovoltaic systems/Sekitou, M., Tanaka, K. and Managi, S./Joint Author/Economic Analysis and Policy/2018/03
- Which dynamic pricing rule is most preferred by consumers??Application of choice experiment/Yumi Yoshida, Kenta Tanaka, Shunsuke Managi/Joint Author/Journal of Economic Structures/2017/03
- Decision-Making Governance for Purchases of Solar Photovoltaic Systems in Japan/Tanaka, K., Sekito, M., Managi, S., Kaneko, S. and Rai, V./Joint Author/Energy Policy/2017/09
- Energy conservation and risk of electric outage: A laboratory experimental study/Tanaka K., Kurakawa, Y., Sawada, E. Akao, K. and Managi, S/Joint Author/Journal of Energy Engineering/2017/01
- Impact of a Disaster on Land Price: Evidence from Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident/Kenta Tanaka, Shunsuke Managi/Joint Author/The Singapore Economic Review/2016/03
- 福島原発事故の地価への影響 ヘドニック・プライシングモデルによる影響分析 田中健太、馬奈木俊介 共著 住宅土地経済 2017/01
- A Laboratory Assessment of the Choice of Vessel Size under Individual Transferable Quota Regimes/Tanaka, K., Higashida, K. and Managi, S./Joint Author/The Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics/2014/05
- 地方自治体の政策運営に関する分析ー自治体アンケートによる定量的把握ー 岩田和之、田中健太、広田啓朗 共著 武蔵大学論集 2016/12
- エネルギー産業における効果的な規制緩和のための技術活用 田中健太、馬奈木俊介 共著 Nextcom 2015/01
- Cooperative choice and its framing effect under threshold uncertainty in a provision point mechanism/Koji Kotani, Kenta Tanaka, Shunsuke Managi/Joint Author/Economics of Governance/2014/07
- コンプライアンス行動と制度設計-排出量取引実験を通じた分析- 岩田和之、田中健太、馬奈木俊介 共著 武蔵大学論集 2014/03
- Measuring Productivity Gains from Deregulation of the Japanese Urban Gas Industry/Kenta Tanaka and Shunsuke Managi/Joint Author/The Energy Journal/2013/01
- 津波被災農地を対象とした土壌浄化方法に対する消費者選好の分析 田中健太、大塚美保、馬奈木俊介 共著 第41回環境システム研究論文発表会講演集 2013/10
- 太陽光発電システム購入の意思決定速度に関する実証研究 関藤麻衣、田中健太、馬奈木俊介、金子慎治 共著 第41回環境システム研究論文発表会講演集 2013/10
- 生産性分析による電力自由化と安定供給に関する分析 田中健太、松川勇、馬奈木俊介 共著 社会経済研究 2012/06
- Potential Climate Effect on Japanese Rice Productivity/Tanaka K., S. Managi, K. Kondo. K. Masuda, Y. Yamamoto./Joint Author/Climate Change Economics/2011/08
- 経済実験による排出量取引市場の取引メカニズムの評価 田中健太、小谷浩示、馬奈木俊介 共著 環境科学会誌 2011/07
- Water Efficiency of Industrial Sector in China/Yagi, M., K. Tanaka, S. Managi, S. Kaneko, H. Shirakawa/Joint Author/2010/10
- エコカー減税のCO2削減の効果 田中健太、馬奈木俊介 共著 第38回環境システム研究論文発表会論文講演集 2010/10
- 化石燃料・金属鉱物資源の効率的利用可能性:資源生産性推計の提案 馬奈木俊介, 田中健太, 鶴見哲也 共著 第38回環境システム研究論文発表会論文講演集 2010/10
- セクター別アプローチ導入によるCO2削減効果―鉄鋼業と紙・パルプ産業の事例― 田中健太、馬奈木俊介、藤井秀道、黒沢厚志 共著 第37回環境システム研究論文発表会講演集 2009/01
- 化学物質排出量の決定要因分析 岩田愛美, 田中健太, 馬奈木俊介 共著 第37回 環境システム研究論文発表会講演集 2009/01
- Further Investigations of Framing Effects on Cooperative Choices in a Provision Point Mechanism/Kotani, K., S. Managi. and K. Tanaka../Joint Author/Economics Bulletin/2008/08
- 公共交通機関の有効活用によるCO2削減の可能性 田中健太, 中野牧子, 馬奈木俊介 共著 環境経済・政策研究 2008/01
- From Hospitality to Hostility: Impact of the Rohingya Refugee Influx on the Sentiments of Host Communities/Yuki Higuchi, Keisaku Higashida, Mohammad Mosharraf Hossain, Mohammad Sujauddin, Ryo Takahashi, Kenta Tanaka/Joint Author/Economic Development and Cultural Change/2024/05
- Productivity analysis of Japanese urban gas industry
- Marketable permits system: Double auction or Uniform price auction 田中健太、小谷浩示、馬奈木俊介 環境経済・政策学会2011年大会
- Productivity analysis of Japanese urban gas industry/Tanaka, K. and Managi, S.
- Inefficiency of the behavior of fishers and prices of quotas under an Individual Transferable Quota scheme 田中健太、東田啓作、馬奈木俊介 環境経済・政策学会2010年大会
- 生物多様性を守るために市場制度は利用出来るか? 田中健太、馬奈木俊介 環境科学会2010年大会
- Cooperative choice and its framing effect under threshold in a provision point mechanism
- 生産性分析による電力自由化と安定供給に関する分析 田中健太、松川勇、馬奈木俊介 日本経済政策学会第67回全国大会
- 不確実性下における公共財供給と協力的行動の分析 田中健太、小谷浩示、馬奈木俊介 第13回実験社会科学カンファレンス
- Cooperative decision making under uncertainty: Implication for global warming/Tanaka, K., Kotani, K and S, Managi./R’Twin world congress
- Market Efficiency of Double Auction- Experimental analysis of emissions trading/Kenta Tanaka, Koji Kotani, Shunsuke Managi and Motonari Tanabu
- 現状の公共交通機関のCO2削減の可能性と新たな公共交通機関の必要性 田中健太、中野牧子、馬奈木俊介 第3回人と環境にやさしい交通をめざす全国大会
- 公共交通機関の有効活用によるCO2削減の可能性 田中健太、中野牧子、馬奈木俊介 環境科学会2008年会
- Further investigations of framing effects on cooperative choices in a provision point mechanism
- Experimental Study of Consumer Behavior under the Risk of Outage/Tanaka, K., Kurakawa, Y., Sawada, E., Akao, K. and Managi, S.
- エネルギー生産効率性の変化要因の分析 田中健太、馬奈木俊介 環境経済・政策学会2015年大会 環境経済・政策学会
- Energy Use Efficiency and Productivity in Japanese Industrial Sector/Kenta Tanaka, Shunsuke Managi/Western Economic Association International, 12th International Conference
- Analysis of energy use efficiency in Japanese factories: The possibility of industry agglomeration effect for energy efficiency/Kenta Tanaka, Shunsuke MAnagi/East Asian Association of Environment and Resource Economics 2016/East Asian Association of Environmental and Resource Economics
- Do experiences of resource depletion affect social cooperative preference? - An analysis using the field experimental data of fishers in the Philippines and Indonesia -
- Do resource depletion experiences affect social cooperative preferences? Analysis using field experimental data on fishers in the Philippines and Indonesia/Tanaka, K., Higashida, K., Vista, A., Nugroho, A., Ruslan, B./EAERE 23rd Annual Conference/The European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists
- 情報提供の在り方による節電行動誘発効果の違い―ラボとフィールドのハイブリッド実験による分析― 田中健太、庫川幸秀、石原卓典、依田高典 環境経済・政策学会2017年大会 環境経済・政策学会
- 実験経済学を用いた停電可能性の電力消費行動に対する影響の分析 田中健太、庫川幸秀、澤田英司、赤尾健一、馬奈木俊介 60回自動制御連合講演会 日本学術会議自動制御研究連絡委員会
- 実験,行動経済学による省エネ行動の要因分析 田中健太 第8回横幹連合コンファレンス 横断型基幹科学技術研究団体連合
- 資源枯渇経験の時間選好率に与える影響 ?フィリピンの漁業者を対象としたフィールド実験による 分析? 田中健太、東田啓作、Arvin Vista 環境経済・政策学会2018年大会 環境経済・政策学会
- An Experimental Investigation of Bilateral Oligopoly in Emissions Trading Markets/Tanaka, K., Matsukawa, I. and Managi, S./Beijing Energy Conference 2018
- Do Resource Depletion Experiences Affect Fisher's Preferences? Analysis Using Field Experimental Data on Fishers in the Philippines and Indonesia
- Resource Depletion Experiences Affect Fisherman's Preference? Analysis Using Field Experimental Data on Fishers in the Philippines and Indonesia/Tanaka, K., Higashida, K., Vista, A., Nugroho, A., Ruslan, B./The 15th International Conference of WEAI
- An Experimental Investigation of Electricity Conservation Behavior Induced Effect by Nudge/Tanaka, K., Kurakawa, Y., Ishihara, T., Akao, K., Ida, T./Sydney Workshop on Experimental Economics and Theory
- An Experimental Investigation of Electricity Conservation Behavior Induced Effect by Nudge/Tanaka, K., Kurakawa, Y., Ishihara, T., Akao, K., Ida, T./The 8th Congress of EAAERE
- Factors affecting collusion and cheating behavior among community leaders: A lab-in-the-field experiment in Bangladeshi mountain regions/Tanaka, K.., Higashida, K., Higuchi, Y., Takahashi, R., Hossain, M. M., Sujauddin, M./Australasian Public Choice Conference 2019
- An Experimental Investigation of Electricity Conservation Behavior Induced Effect by Nudge
- Impact of feed-in tariffs on electricity consumption/Kenta Tanaka, Clevo Willson, Shunsuke Managi
- Moral Utility or Moral Tax? Experimental Study of Electricity Conservation by Social Comparison/Tanaka, K., Kurakawa, Y., Ishihara, T., Akao, K., Ida, T./International Workshop for Lab and Field Experiments
- Factors affecting collusion and cheating behavior among community leaders: A lab-in-the-field experiment in Bangladeshi mountain regions/Tanaka, K., Higashida, K., Higuchi, Y., Takahashi, R., Hossain, M. M., Sujauddin, M./The 91st International Atlantic Economic European Conference/International Atlantic Economic Society
- The impacts of the Tokyo and Saitama ETSs on the energy efficiency performance of manufacturing facilities/Lu Guanyu, Kenta Tanaka,Toshi H. Arimura/AAERE congress 2023/2023/08/29/The Asian Association of Environmental and Resource Economics
- How much cheap talk about the threshold affects cooperative decision making?/2023/12/18
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