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Minai Yoshitaka |
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- Graduate/無機化学特論(東京都立大学大学院理学研究科),無機化学特別講義(立教大学大学院理学研究科)
- Undergraduate/Global Environment, Urban Environment, Chemistry and Dairy Life, Laboratory Class in Chemistry, Advanced Science and Technology, Earth Science, General Course in Nature and Environment, Cumulative Studies on Natural Sciences B
Inorganic Chemistry 4 (Tokyo University of Science, Faculty of Science), Radiochemistry (Waseda University, Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology), Chemistry 2 (Meijigakuin University), Geochemistry (Kitazato University, Faculty of Science), Analytical Chemistry (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture), Radiochemistry (Ochanomizu University, Faculty of Science), Laboratory Class in Analytical Chemistry and Inorganic Chemistry (University of Tokyo, Faculty of Science)
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Researcher Activity Information
- Certified reference materials of agricultural products and foods bearing radioactivity from the Fukushima nuclear accident/Y. Minai, T. Miura, C. Yonezawa, H. Iwamoto, M. Shibukawa. Y. Takagai. M. Furukawa. H. Arakawa, Y. Okada, K.. Kakita, I. Kojima, S. Hirai/Joint Author/Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry/2016/03
- Radiocesium contamination around the Lake Ohnuma in Akagi Area in Gunma Prefecture after Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant Severe Accident/Kin-ichi Tsunoda, Sei-ichi Aizawa, Masanobu Mori, Yoichi Saito, Daisuke Ozaki, Yuuko Koike, Jyunji Abe, Akari Fushimi, Hiromasa Suzuki, Toshihiro Kuge, Syotaro Izumi, Hideki Tanaka, Yumi Onozeki, Sei-ichi Nohara, Yoshitaka Minai, and Seiya Nagao/Joint Author/Proceedings of the 14th Research Meeting on Environmental Radioactivity/2013/11
- Radioassay of honey from Nerima, Tokyo/Norio Nogawa, Yoshitaka Minai, and Tamaki Maruhashi/Joint Author/Proceedings of the 13th Research Meeting for Environmental Radioactivity/2012/11
- Release and environmental behavior of radioactive 'species'/Yoshitaka Minai/Sole Author/Chemistry and Industry/2012/09
- What does Analytical Chemistry tell about Future of Radioactive Pollution in Fukushima?/Yoshitaka Minai/Sole Author/Chemistry Today/2012/01
- Speciation of Polycarboxylates in Aqueous Solutions: Application of Laser-Induced Luminescence Spectrometry for Europium(III) Ion 藥袋佳孝 単著 『武蔵大学人文学会雑誌』 2010/03
- メスバウアー分光法の地球化学・考古計測学への応用の可能性 藥袋佳孝 単著 『武蔵大学人文学会雑誌』 2009/03
- Mossbauer spectroscopic characterization of iron species in the test samples of 4A and 4B for the second HASPET competition 藥袋佳孝、Y. Sakai, ◎Y. Minai 分担執筆 JAXA Special Publication, JAXA-SP-05-021E, 75-83 2006/03
- 本だな「放射化学,ショパン・リルゼンツィン・リュードベリ著」(書評) 藥袋佳孝 単著 『放射化学ニュース』 2005/08
- The Effect of Na+, Mg2+, and Ca2+ Ions on the Formation of Eu(III)-Humate Complex 藥袋佳孝、Y. Takahashi, ◎Y. Minai 共著 Journal of Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences 2004/12
- ガラス質文化財試料の原子炉中性子即発γ線分析 富沢威・◎藥袋佳孝・米沢仲四郎 共著 『武蔵大学人文学会雑誌』 2004/07
- 化学によるものつくりの足跡 藥袋佳孝 単著 『化学と工業』 2003/04
- ガラス質文化財の変質に関する核的手法による研究 富沢威・◎藥袋佳孝 共著 『武蔵大学人文学会雑誌』 2003/03
- Multitracer Study on the Uptake Mechanism of Yttrium and Rare Earth Elements by Autumn Fern 藥袋佳孝、T. Ozaki, S. Ambe, S. Enomoto, ◎Y. Minai, S. Yoshida, Y. Makide 共著 Radiochimica Acta 2002/07
- Direct Observation of Cm(III)-fluvate Species on Fluvic acid-montmorillonite Hybrid by Laser-induced fluorescence Spectroscopy. 藥袋佳孝、Y. Takahashi, T. Kimura, ◎Y. Minai 共著 Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta 2002/01
- Application of Multitracer Technique to the Studies on Migration of Trace Elements in Geosphere 藥袋佳孝、Y. Takahashi, ◎Y. Minai, C. Egawa, T. Mifune, R. Hirumuna, S. Enomoto 共著 Analytical Sciences, Supplement 2001/08
- Determination of the Hydration Number of Actinides(III) and Lanthanides(III) by Luminescence Lifetime Measurement and Its Application to the Speciation Study 藥袋佳孝、T. Kimura, Y. Kato, H. Takeishi, Y. Takahashi, ◎Y. Minai, and G. R. Choppin 共著 Proceedings of OECD/NEA Workshop on Speciation Technology 2001/05
- Effects of Ionic Valency of Interacting Metal Elements in Ion Uptake by Carrot (Daucas carota, cv. U.S. harumakigosun} 藥袋佳孝、T. Ozaki, S. Ambe, ◎Y. Minai, S. Enomoto, F. Yatagai, T. Abe, S. Yoshida, Y. Makide 共著 Biological Trace Element Research 2001/02
- Speciation of Europium(III) Sorbed on a Montmorillonite Surface in the Presence of Polycarboxylic Acid by Laser-Induced Fluorescence Spectroscopy 藥袋佳孝、Y. Takahashi, T. Kimura, Y. Kato, and ◎Y. Minai 共著 Environmental Science and Technology 2000/07
- The Adsorption of Rb, Ba, Pt, and Lanthanides on Metallic Oxides Aaected by Humate Complex Formation 藥袋佳孝、T. Ozaki, S. Ambe, Y. Takahashi, S. Yoshida, ◎Y. Minai 共著 Environmental Technology 2000/06
- A Survey of Trace Elements in Pteridophytes 藥袋佳孝、T. Ozaki, S. Enomoto, ◎Y. Minai, S. Ambe, and Y. Makide 共著 Biological Trace Elements Research 2000/05
- Beneficial Effect of Rare Earth Elements on the Growth of Dryopteris Erythrosora 藥袋佳孝、T. Ozaki, S. Enomoto, ◎Y. Minai, S. Ambe, F. Ambe, and Y. Makide 共著 Journal of Plant and Physiology. 2000/05
- フミン酸との錯生成を利用した金属イオン分離プロセスの修飾: カオリナイトへの吸着分配平衡への影響 藥袋佳孝、◎藥袋佳孝,高橋嘉夫 共著 豊田理研報告 2000/05
- Influence of Aluminum on the Uptake of Various Cations from a Solution into Carrots 藥袋佳孝、Y. Ozaki, S. Enomoto, ◎Y. Minai, S. Ambe, F. Ambe, and Y. Makide 共著 Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 2000/03
- Adsorption of Europium(III) and Americium(III) on Kaolinite and Montmorillonite in the Presence of Humic Acid -Influence of pH and Salt Concentration- 藥袋佳孝、Y. Takahashi, T. Kimura, ◎Y. Minai, and T. Tominaga 共著 Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 2000/02
- Synthesis and Characterization of Diiron(III)-Substituted Silicotungstate, [γ(1,2)-SiW10{Fe(OH)2}2O38]]6-} 藥袋佳孝、C. Nozaki, I. Kiyoto, ◎Y. Minai, M. Misono, and N. Mizuno 共著 Inorganic Chemistry 1999/12
- 環境科学からみた放射化分析への期待 藥袋佳孝 単著 放射化分析支援システム研究会講演集 1999/11
- Effect of Zn on the Uptake of Various Elements into Carrot 藥袋佳孝、T. Ozaki, S. Ambe, S. Enomoto, ◎Y. Minai, and Y. Makide 共著 Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 1999/10
- 大学・原研プロジェクト共同研究--成果と展望 III-4. 廃棄物処分の基礎化学研究 藥袋佳孝、◎藥袋佳孝、村岡進 共著 『日本原子力学会誌』 1999/10
- キュリー夫妻:放射化学の創始者たち(翻訳) 藥袋佳孝 単著 『化学と工業』 1999/08
- Complexation of Eu(III) with Humic Substances Fractionated by Coagulation 藥袋佳孝、Y. Takahashi, ◎Y. Minai, and T. Tominaga 共著 Radiochimica Acta 1999/04
- Application of the Multitracer for Substoichiometric Determination of Trace Elements: A Proposal 藥袋佳孝、◎Y. Minai and S. Enomoto 共著 RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report 1999/03
- Characterization of Eu(III) Species Sorbed on Silica and Montmorillonite by Laser--Induced Fluorescence Spectroscopy 藥袋佳孝、Y. Takahashi, T. Kimura, Y. Kato, ◎Y. Minai, and T. Tominaga 共著 Radiochimica. Acta 1999/03
- Comparison of Adsorption Behavior of Multiple Inorganic Ions on Kaolinite and Silica in the Presence of Humic Acid using Multitracer Technique 藥袋佳孝、Y. Takahashi, ◎Y. Minai, S. Ambe, Y. Makide, and F. Ambe 共著 Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 1999/03
- 本棚「神がつくった究極の素粒子」(書評) 藥袋佳孝 単著 『アイソトープニュース』 1999/03
- Laser-Induced Fluorescence Study on the Interaction of Eu(III) with Polycarboxylates 藥袋佳孝、Y. Takahashi, T. Kimura, Y. Kato, ◎Y. Minai, Y. Makide, and T. Tominaga 共著 Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 1999/02
- Structural Distortion of 6-Coordinated Fe(II) Complexes in Zeolite Y 藥袋佳孝、Y. Umemura, ◎Y. Minai, and T. Tominaga 共著 Journal of Physical Chemistry 1999/02
- 日本列島周縁域の海洋底堆積物中の希土類元素 藥袋佳孝、◎藥袋佳孝, 松本 良 共著 『月刊海洋』 1998/12
- 講座「環境科学における放射化分析を特集して」 藥袋佳孝、◎藥袋佳孝・松尾基之 共著 『放射化分析』 1998/11
- Radioanalytical Study of Pteridophyte Species Accumulating Lanthanides and Other Trace Elements 藥袋佳孝、T. Ozaki and ◎Y. Minai 共著 Proceedings of International Trace Analysis Symposium '98 1998/08
- The Adsorption of Rb, Ba, Pt, and Lanthanides on Metallic Oxides Affected by Humate Complex Formation 藥袋佳孝、T. Ozaki, S. Ambe, Y. Takahashi, S. Yoshida, and ◎Y. Minai 共著 Environmental Technology 1998/06
- Simultaneous Determination of Stability Constants of Humate Complexes with Various Metal Ions Using Multitracer Technique 藥袋佳孝、Y. Takahashi, ◎Y. Minai, S. Ambe, Y. Makide, F. Ambe, and T. Tominaga 共著 RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report 1998/03
- Study on the Uptake Rate of Various Elements into Dryopteris erythrosora by Multitracer Technique 藥袋佳孝、T. Ozaki, S. Enomoto, ◎Y. Minai, S. Ambe, F. Ambe, and Y. Makide 共著 RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report 1998/03
- アクチノイドの地中移行挙動へのフミン酸の影響 藥袋佳孝 単著 『武蔵大学人文学会雑誌』 1997/07
- 実験的アプローチによるアクチノイドの環境挙動解析: フミン酸錯体の生成をめぐって 藥袋佳孝 単著 月刊地球(号外) 1997/05
- Determination of Lanthanides and Other Trace Elements in Ferns by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis 藥袋佳孝、T. Ozaki, S. Enomoto, ◎Y. Minai, S. Ambe, F. Ambe, and T. Tominaga 共著 Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 1997/04
- Simultaneous Determination of Stability Constants of Humate Complexes with Various Metal Ions using Multitracer Technique 藥袋佳孝、Y. Takahashi, ◎Y. Minai, S. Ambe, Y. Makide, F. Ambe, and T. Tominaga 共著 Science and Total Environment 1997/04
- Beneficial Effect of Rare Earth Elements on the Growth of Dryopteris erythrosora 藥袋佳孝、T. Ozaki, S. Enomoto, ◎Y. Minai, S. Ambe, F. Ambe, and T. Tominaga 共著 RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report 1997/03
- Influence of Aluminum on the Uptake of Various Cations from a Solution into Carrots 藥袋佳孝、T. Ozaki, S. Enomoto, ◎Y. Minai, S. Ambe, F. Ambe, and M. Makide 共著 RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report 1997/03
- Multitracer Study for the Effect of Humate Formation on the Adsorption Behavior of Metal Ions on Kaolinite and Silica Gel 藥袋佳孝、Y. Takahashi, ◎Y. Minai, T. Ozaki, S. Ambe, M. Iwamoto, H. Maeda, F. Ambe, and T. Tominaga 共著 RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report 1997/03
- Neutron Activation Analysis of Deep Sea Sediments from the Regions near Japan 藥袋佳孝、◎Y. Minai, U. Tsunogai, H. Takahashi, J. Ishibashi, R. Matsumoto, and T. Tominaga 共著 Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 1997/02
- アクチノイド(III)の環境動態へのフミン酸錯体の影響 藥袋佳孝 単著 東京大学原子力研究総合センターニュース1996 1997/02
- Hydration Structure of Eu(III) on Aqueous Ion-Exchange Resins Using Laser-Induced Fluorescence Spectroscopy 藥袋佳孝、Y. Takahashi, T. Kimura, Y. Kato, ◎Y. Minai, T. Tominaga 共著 Journal of Chemical Society, Chemical Communications 1997/01
- Multitracer Study on the Effect of Humate Formation on the Adsorption Behavior of Metal Ions on Kaolinite and Silica Gel 藥袋佳孝、Y. Takahashi, ◎Y. Minai, T. Ozaki, S. Ambe, M. Iwamoto, H. Maeda, F. Ambe, and T. Tominaga 共著 Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry Letters 1997/01
- Laser-induced Luminescence Study of Europium(III)-Polyacrylate and Polymaleiate 藥袋佳孝、Y. Takahashi, T. Kimura, Y. Kato, ◎Y. Minai, T. Tominaga 共著 Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, Letters 1996/11
- Multitracer Study of the Influence of Humate Formation on the Adsorption of Various Ions on Kaolinite and Silica Gel 藥袋佳孝、Y. Takahashi, ◎Y. Minai, S. Ambe, H. Maeda, F. Ambe, T. Tominaga 単著 RIKEN Review 1996/08
- Study on Environmental Behavior of Actinide and Lanthanide Elaments 藥袋佳孝 単著 Proc. 8th Joint Russian―Japan Symp. Anal. Chem. 1996/08
- Determination of Trace Elements in Ferns by Neutron Activation Analysis (I) 藥袋佳孝、T. Ozaki, S. Enomoto, ◎Y. Minai, S. Ambe, F. Ambe, and T. Tominaga 共著 RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report 1996/03
- Determination of Trace Elements in Ferns by Neutron Activation Analysis (II) 藥袋佳孝、T. Ozaki, S. Enomoto, ◎Y. Minai, S. Ambe, F. Ambe, and T. Tominaga 共著 RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report 1996/03
- Multitracer Study on Stability Constants of Humate Complexes with Various Metal Ions 藥袋佳孝、Y. Takahashi, ◎Y. Minai, S. Ambe, H. Maeda, F. Ambe, and T. Tominaga 共著 RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report 1996/03
- Solvent Extraction Behavior of Multitracers by Di(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric Acid 藥袋佳孝、Y. Takahashi, ◎Y. Minai, S. Ambe, H. Maeda, F. Ambe, and T. Tominaga 共著 RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report 1996/03
- Formation of Actinide(III)-humate and Its Influence on Adsorption on Kaolinite 藥袋佳孝、Y. Takahashi, ◎Y. Minai, T. Kimura, Y. Meguro, and T. Tominaga 共著 Maerials Research Socety Symposium, Proceedings 1995/12
- 土と水の環境化学:フミン酸と金属イオンの相互作用 藥袋佳孝 単著 現代化学 1995/05
- Adsorption Behavior of Lanthanides Affected by Humate-complexes 藥袋佳孝、T. Ozaki, Y. Takahashi, ◎Y. Minai, S. Ambe, M. Iwamoto, H. Maeda, F. Ambe, and T. Tominaga 共著 RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report 1995/03
- Influence of Metal Humate Formation on the Adsorption of Multitracer on Kaolinite 藥袋佳孝、Y. Takahashi, ◎Y. Minai, S. Ambe, M. Iwamoto, H. Maeda, F. Ambe, and T. Tominaga 共著 RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report 1995/03
- Mossbauer Spectroscopic Study of Frozen Solutions of 57Co Using a Specially Designed Cryostat for Time Differential Coincidence Emission Mossbauer Spectroscopy of 237Np 藥袋佳孝、M. Saeki, M. Nakada, N. M. Masaki, Z. Yoshida, K. Endo, ◎Y. Minai, T. Yamashita, H. Mutoh, and M. Magara 共著 Hyperfine Interactions 1994/09
- Multitracer Study on Formation of Metal-Humate Complexes and Their Adsorption on Minerals 藥袋佳孝、◎Y. Minai, Y. Takahashi, T. Ozaki, M. Ishibashi, S. Ambe, M. Iwamoto, M. Yanokura, H. Maeda, N. Takematsu, F. Ambe, T. Tominaga 共著 Proceedings of International Trace Analysis Symposium '94 1994/08
- Moessbauer and ESR Study of the Effect of Acid Sites on Formation of Phthalocyanineiron(II)-pyridine Adduct in Zeolite Supercage 藥袋佳孝、M. Tanaka, ◎Y. Minai, T. Watanabe, T. Tominaga 共著 Applied Radiation and Isotopes 1994/04
- Spin-crossover of Tris[2-(aminomethyl)pyridine]iron(II) Ion in Y-Zeolite 藥袋佳孝、Y. Umemura, ◎Y. Minai, N. Koga, T. Tominaga 共著 Journal of Chemical Society, Chemical Communications 1994/04
- Determination of Stability Constants of Lanthanide-Humate Complexes with Multitracer Technique 藥袋佳孝、◎Y. Minai, Y. Takahashi, M. Ishibashi, S. Ambe, Y. Kobayashi, Y. Ohkubo, M. Iwamoto, M. Yanokura, H. Maeda, N. Takematsu, F. Ambe, and T. Tominaga 共著 RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report, 1994/03
- 43年目の論文誌「分析化学」 藥袋佳孝 単著 『ぶんせき』1994年 1994/02
- Moessbauer Study on Tris(1,10-phenanthroline)iron(II) Ion Synthesized in Zeolite Y and Its Pyrolysis Products 藥袋佳孝、Y. Umemura, ◎Y. Minai, T. Tominaga 共著 Journal of Radioanalytical Nuclear Chemistry, Letters 1994/02
- Ionic Strength and pH Dependence of Binding Constants of Am(III)- and Eu(III)-Humates 藥袋佳孝、Y. Takahashi, ◎Y. Minai, Y. Meguro, S. Toyoda, and T. Tominaga 共著 Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, Letters 1994/01
- Evidence for Distortion of [FeL3]2+ (L=en, amp, bpy, phen) in Zeolite Y 藥袋佳孝、Y. Umemura, ◎Y. Minai, T. Tominaga 共著 Journal of Chemical Society, Chemical Communications 1993/12
- Photolysis and Pyrolysis of Europium Compounds in Solid and Frozen Solution Systems: Moessbauer and ESR study 藥袋佳孝、S. Yamauchi, ◎Y. Minai, T. Watanabe, T. Tominaga 共著 Radiochimica Acta 1993/12
- Multitracer Study on Complex Formation of Humic Acid 藥袋佳孝、◎Y. Minai, Y. Takahashi, M. K. Kubo, S. Toyoda, M. Ishibashi, S. Ambe, Y. Kobayashi, Y. Ohkubo, M. Iwamoto, M. Yanokura, H. Maeda, S. Shibata, N. Takematsu, F. Ambe, and T. Tominaga 共著 RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report 1993/03
- Reactor Neutron-Induced Prompt Gamma-Ray Analysis and Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis of Ancient Glasswares 藥袋佳孝、T. Tomizawa, C. Yonezawa, ◎Y. Minai, M. Hoshi, Y. Ito, T. Tominaga 共著 Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Advanced Nuclear Energy Research, Neutron as Microscopic Probes 1993/03
- Reactor Neutron-Induced Prompt Gamma-Ray Analysis and Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis of Deep Sea Sediments in the Pacific and the Japan Sea 藥袋佳孝、◎Y. Minai, C. Yonezawa, M. Hoshi, Y. Ito, T. Tominaga 共著 Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Advanced Nuclear Energy Research, Neutron as Microscopic Probes 1993/03
- Moessbauer and ESR Study of the Formation of Phthalocyanineiron(II)Pyridine Adduct in the Supercage of NaY, KY, and RbY Zeolite 藥袋佳孝、M. Tanaka, ◎Y. Minai, T. Watanabe, and T. Tominaga 共著 Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, Letters 1992/12
- Geochemistry of Rare Earths and Other Trace Elements in Sediments from Sites 798 and 799, Japan Sea 藥袋佳孝、◎Y. Minai, R. Matsumoto, Y. Watanabe, T. Tominaga 共著 Proceedings of Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results 1992/07
- Moessbauer Characterization of Sediments from Sites 798 and 799, Japan Sea 藥袋佳孝、◎Y. Minai, I. Kusudo, R. Matsumoto, H. Sato, T. Tominaga 共著 Proceedings of Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results 1992/07
- Humic Material in Well Water from the Nevada Test Site 藥袋佳孝、◎Y. Minai, G. R. Choppin, D. H. Sisson 共著 Radiochimica Acta 1992/06
- Association of Cesium with Ferric Components in Altered Flood Basalt 藥袋佳孝、◎Y. Minai, Y. Nakamura, H. Wakita, T. Tominaga 共著 Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, Letters 1991/10
- Moessbauer and ESR Study of Pyridine-Inactive Phthalocyanineiron(II) in Zeolite Supercage 藥袋佳孝、M. Tanaka, ◎Y. Minai, T. Watanabe, T. Tominaga 共著 Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemisty, Letters 1991/10
- 環境でのアクチノイドの溶存状態の推定 藥袋佳孝 単著 化学 1991/10
- Formation of Americium and Europium Humates 藥袋佳孝、◎Y. Minai, Y. Meguro, T. Tominaga 共著 Proceedings of Third International Symposium on Advanced Nuclear Energy Research, Global Environment and Nuclear Energy 1991/03
- Bimetalic Promotion of Alcohol Production in CO Hydrogenation and Olefin Hydroformylation on RhFe, PtFe, PdFe, and IrFe Cluster-Derived Catalysys 藥袋佳孝、A. Fukuoka, T. Kimura, N. Kosugi, H. Kuroda, ◎Y. Minai, Y. Sakai, T. Tominaga, and M. Ichikawa 共著 Journal of Catalysis 1990/12
- Neutron Activation Analysis of Altered Oceanic Tholeiite: Variation of Lanthanide Concentrations with Degree of Alteration 藥袋佳孝、◎Y. Minai, T. Ishii, Y. Nakamura, H. Wakita, T. Tominaga 共著 Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, Letters 1990/12
- Production of 29Al by the 26Mg(α,p)29Al Reaction and Its Tracer Use 藥袋佳孝、◎Y. Minai, T. Nozaki 共著 Applied Radiation and Isotopes 1990/01
- Neutron Activation Analysis of Rare Earth Elements in Deep Sea Sediments from the Pacific Ocean and the Japan Sea 藥袋佳孝、◎Y. Minai, T. Tominaga 共著 Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, Letters 1989/12
- Neutron Activation Analysis of Rare Earth Elements in Altered Volcanic Rocks (Palagonite) from a Seamount 藥袋佳孝、◎Y. Minai, T. Ishii, T. Tominaga 共著 Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, Letters 1989/11
- アクチノイドとフミン酸の錯形成 藥袋佳孝 単著 化学 1989/07
- Interaction of Americium(III) with Humic Acids and Two Synthetic Analogues 藥袋佳孝、◎Y. Minai and G. R. Choppin 共著 Proceedings of International Symposium on Advanced Nuclear Energy Research, Near-Future Chemistry in Nuclear Energy Field 1989/03
- Geochemistry and Deposition Environments of Bedded Chert of the Cretaceous Shimanto Group, Shikoku, Southwest Japan 藥袋佳孝、R. Matsumoto, ◎Y. Minai, M. Okamura 共著 Modern Geology 1988/07
- 「しんかい2000」によるシロウリガイ群生地を含む相模湾西部の地質学的研究 藥袋佳孝、石井輝秋、渡辺正晴、石塚明男、太田秀、酒井均、原村寛、鹿園直建、富樫和也、◎藥袋佳孝、富永健、鎮西清高、堀越増興 共著 『海洋科学技術センター試験研究報告』1987 1988/03
- 縄文土器の放射化分析 藥袋佳孝、富沢威、庄司克、◎藥袋佳孝、富永健 共著 『貝塚博物館紀要』 1988/03
- A Moessbauer Study of Oceanic Sediments from Site 612, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 95 藥袋佳孝、◎Y. Minai, Y. Nakamura, T. Tominaga 共著 Initial Reports of Deep Sea Drilling Project 1987/10
- Moessbauer Effect Characterization of Silica Supported Rhodium-Iron Catalysts 藥袋佳孝、◎Y. Minai, T. Tominaga, T. Fukushima, M. Ichikawa 共著 Industrial Applications of the Moessbauer Effect 1986/12
- A Moessbauer Study on Remarkable Changes in Chemical States of Iron in Silica-Supported Pd-Fe Bimetallic Catalysts by Varying Fe Contents 藥袋佳孝、◎Y. Minai, T. Fukushima, S. Ogasawara, M. Ichikawa, T. Tominaga 共著 Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, Letters 1986/10
- Moessbauer and ESR Study of Long-Lived Photoexcited Species in Sodium Pentacyanonitrosylferrate(II) Produced by 300-400 NM UV Irradiation at Low Temperatures 藥袋佳孝、◎Y. Minai, C. Obayashi, T. Watanabe, T. Tominaga 共著 Radiochimica Acta 1986/09
- 29Al Radiotracer Study on Adsorption of Aluminum by Soils 藥袋佳孝、◎Y. Minai, S. Ambe, and T. Nozaki 共著 RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report 1986/03
- 57Feメスバウアー分光法によるシリカ担持Rh,Pd触媒の鉄添加による表面構造の変化の研究 藥袋佳孝、◎藥袋佳孝、福島貴和、小笠原貞夫、市川勝、富永 健 共著 触媒 1986/03
- Preparation of Non-carrier-added 45Ti and {69Ge and their Uptake by Plants 藥袋佳孝、M. K. Kubo, ◎Y. Minai, T. Nozaki, and T. Tominaga 分担執筆 RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report 1986/03
- Production of Radioisotopes and Preparation of Labelled Compounds 藥袋佳孝、T. Nozaki, S. Ambe, M. Iwamato, E. Gotoh, T. Kitsumai, H. Nakatani, Z. Huang, ◎Y. Minai, I. Asai, M. K. Kubo, M. Suehiro, and F. Yokoi 共著 RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report 1986/03
- 土器の胎土分析とその応用 -加曽利貝塚を中心とした出土土器の放射化分析- 藥袋佳孝、富沢威、庄司克、◎藥袋佳孝、富永健 共著 『貝塚博物館紀要 』 1986/03
- メスバウアー分光法による鉄含有触媒のキャラクタリゼーション 藥袋佳孝 単著 『表面科学』 1986/02
- A Conversion Electron Moessbauer Study on the Photolysis of Europium(III) oxalate 藥袋佳孝、S. Yamauchi, ◎Y. Minai, T. Watanabe, T. Tominaga 共著 Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, Letters 1985/12
- Manganese Content, Cerium Anomaly, and Rate of Sedimentation as Aids to Characterization and Classification of Deep Sea Sediments 藥袋佳孝、R. Matsumoto, ◎Y. Minai, A. Iijima 共著 Advances in Earth and Planetary Science, Formation of Oceanic Margin 1985/12
- Moessbauer Study on the Photolysis of Pentacarbonyliron Isolated in Low Temperature Nitrogen Matrix 藥袋佳孝、Y. Yamada, ◎Y. Minai, H. Sato, T. Tominaga 共著 Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, Letters 1985/12
- Moessbauer Study on the State of Dispersion of Eu(II) in Frozen Aqueous Solutions and Its Photooxidation to Eu(III) 藥袋佳孝、S. Yamauchi, ◎Y. Minai, T. Tominaga 共著 Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, Letters 1985/09
- Reevaluation of Lanthanide Abundances in Japanese Standard Rock Samples, JG-1 and JB-1/M. Ebihara, ◎Y. Minai, M. K. Kubo, T. Tominaga, N. Aoki, T. Nikko, K. Sakamoto, A. Ando/Joint Author/Analytical Sciences/1985/08
- Geochemistry of the Deep Sea Sediments from the Nankai Trough, the Japan Trench, and Adjacent Regions, DSDP 藥袋佳孝、◎Y. Minai, R. Matsumoto, T. Tominaga 共著 Initial Reports of Deep Sea Drilling Project 1985/07
- Isotope Production and Labelled Compound Synthesis 藥袋佳孝、T. Nozaki, S. Ambe, M. Iwamoto, ◎Y. Minai, M. K. Kubo, E. Tsuchida, M. Yuasa, Y, Ogata, H. Nishide, M. Suehiro, and F. Yokoi 共著 RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report 1985/03
- マンガン含有量と希土類元素パターンに基づく深海堆積物の成因的分類 藥袋佳孝、松本良◎藥袋佳孝 共著 『堆積学研究会報』 1985/01
- Moessbauer Studies on Photoaggregation and Photoreduction of Tris(β-diketonato) Iron(III) Complexes Isolated in Low Temperature Matrices 藥袋佳孝、Y. Yamada, ◎Y. Minai, H. Sato, T. Tominaga 共著 Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, Letters 1984/12
- Characterization of Silica Supported Rh-Fe Catalysts by Moessbauer Technique 藥袋佳孝、◎Y. Minai, T. Fukushima, M. Ichikawa, T. Tominaga 共著 Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, Letters 1984/11
- Applications of Moessbauer Spectroscopy to Environmental and Geochemical Studies 藥袋佳孝、T. Tominaga and ◎Y. Minai 共著 Nuclear Science Applications 1984/10
- Radioisotope Production and Labelled Compound Synthesis 藥袋佳孝、T. Nozaki, S. Ambe, M. Iwamoto and ◎Y. Minai 共著 RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report 1984/03
- Moessbauer Analysis of Iron(II) and Iron(III) in Geological Reference Materials/Y. Minai, T. Tominaga/Joint Author/International Journal of Applications of Radiation and Isotopes/1982/07
- A Moessbauer Study of Deep Sea Sediments 藥袋佳孝、◎Y. Minai, T. Furuta, K. Kobayashi, T. Tominaga 共著 Radiochemistry and Radioanalytical Chemistry Letters 1981/07
- Study on Alteration of a Continental (Flood) Basalt by Fe-57 Moessbauer Technique 藥袋佳孝、◎Y. Minai, M. Takeda, H. Wakita, T. Tominaga 共著 Radiochemistry and Radioanlytical Chemistry Letters 1979/07
- Iron-nickel Alloy Superstructure in the Mineral Josephinite 藥袋佳孝、J. Danon, R. B. Scorzelli, I. S. Azevedo, J. F. Albertsen, J. M. Knudsen, N. O. Roy-Poulsen, ◎Y. Minai, H. Wakita, T. Tominaga 共著 Radiochemistry and Radioanalytical Chemistry Letters 1979/05
- Characterization of Environmental Samples by Moessbauer Technique 藥袋佳孝、◎Y. Minai, T. Tominaga 共著 Radiochemistry and Radioanalytical Chemistry Letters 1979/01
- A Moessbauer Study of Alteration of a Deep Sea Basalt 藥袋佳孝、◎Y. Minai, M. Takeda, H. Wakita, T. Tominaga 共著 Radiochemistry and Radioanalytical Chemistry Letters 1978/10
- Characterization of Iron in Josephinite by Fe-57 Moessbauer spectrocopy 藥袋佳孝、◎Y. Minai, H. Wakita, T. Tominaga 共著 Radiochemistry and Radioanalytical Chemistry Letters 1978/10
- Fractionation of radiocesium in soil, sediment, and aquatic environment in Lake Onuma of Mt. Akagi, Gunma Prefecture using sequential extraction/M. Mori, K. Tsunoda, S. Aizawa, Y. Saito, Y. Koike, T. Gonda, S. Abe, K. Suzuki, Y. Yuasa, T. Kuge, H. Tanaka, H. Arai, S. Watanabe, S. Nohara, Y. Minai, Y. Okada, and S. Nagao/Joint Author/Science of the Total Environment/2017/01/01
- Adsorption of 99TcO4? onto hydrotalcite and calcined hydrotalcite under basic conditions: influence of humic acids and anions/N. Wall and Y. Minai/Joint Author/Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry/2014/07
- Radiometric analysis of 90Sr in fish bone ash samples by liquid scintillation counting after separation by extraction chromatographic resin/T. Miura and Y. Minai/Joint Author/Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry/2017/08
- Body-size Effect and Dynamics of Radiocesium for Wakasagi Hypomesus nipponensis/K. Suzuki, S. Watanabe, Y. Onozeki-Yuasa, H. Arai, H. Tanaka, T. Kuge, K. Tsunoda, M. Mori, S. Nohara, Y. Okada, and Y. Minai/Joint Author/Bunsekikagaku/2017/03
- ワカサギにおける放射性セシウムの生物学的半減期の推定 鈴木 究真, 小野関(湯浅) 由美, 田中 英樹, 松岡 栄一) 久下 敏宏, 角田 欣一, 相澤 省一, 森 勝伸, 野原 精一, 藥袋 佳孝, 岡田 往子, 長尾 誠也 共著 日本水産学会誌 2016/05
- Comparative analysis of distributions of radioactive cesium and potassium and stable cesium, potassium, and strontium in brown rice grains contaminated with radioactive materials released by the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident/M. Kato, Y. Okada, S. Hirai, Y. Minai, S. Saito, M. Shibukawa/Joint Author/Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry/2016/10
- Behavior of radioactive isotopes and their chemical forms/Yoshitaka Minai/Sole Author/Isotope News/2018/02/01
- Preparation and certification of certified reference materials of fish meat and ashed bone for determination of 90Sr and radiocesium after Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant/Tsutomu Miura, Yoshitaka Minai, Chushiro Yonezawa, Kazutoshi Kakita, Isao Kojima, Yukiko Okada, Yoshinobu Uematsu, Akira Okada, Shoji Hirai/Joint Author/Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry/2018/10
- The dynamics of raiodiocesium (Cs-137) in the hydrosphere ecosystem of excusive inland lakes/T. Kuge, K. Suzuki, H. Arai, S. Watanabe, Y. Yuasa, H. Tanaka, S. Izumi, S. Nohara, K. Mori, Y. Okada, Y. Minai, S. Nagao, K. Tsunoda/Joint Author/Aquabiology/2018/10/15
- Characterization of reddish pigments using nuclear techniques/Yoshitaka Minai/Sole Author/Journal of human and cultural sciences, Musashi University/2019/03
- Development of education program on environmental behavior of humic acid based on laboratory works/Yoshitaka Minai/Sole Author/Journal of human and cultural sciences, Musashi University/2020/03
- Fixing instructions to radioactive contaminants on the historical remains/Chie Sano, Takeshi Ishizaki,Setsuo Imazu, Shogo Higaki, Kenya Kubo, Yoshitaka Minai, Tohru Matsumoto, Kyo Ito, Sahoe Sato, Takaaki Tanno/The 51st Annual Meeting of Radioisotope and Radiation Research/Japan Association of Radioisotopes
- Results of an international inter-comparison exercise of brown rice CRM by gamma-ray spectrometry/Chushiro Yonezawa, Yoshitaka Minai, Shoji Hirai, Tsutomu Miura, Kazutoshi Kakita, Esao Kojima, Hiiroshi Iwamoto, Akira Okada, Ikuko Okada, Fumihiro Arakawa, Seiji Kitamura, Takahiro Yamada, Masami Shibukawa, Koichi Chiba, Yoshinobu Uematsau/The 51st Annual Meeting of RadioiIsotope and Radiation Research/Japan Association of Radioisotopes
- For reliable analysis: development of standard materials for determination of trace radioactivity in food and environmental samples/Yoshitaka Minai/The 27th National Congress for Environmental Studies/Japan Academic Congress
- The measurement comparability of 134Cs and 137Cs in foodstuff samples in Japan ?result of inter-laboratory experiment for certification of certified reference material/Tsutomu Miura, Yoshitaka Minai, Shoji Hirai, Hiroshi Iwamoto, Chushiro Yonezawa, Yoshinobu Uematsu, Akira Okada, Masami Shibukawa, Koichi Chiba, Kiyoshi Kitamura, Takahiro Yamada, Kazutoshi Kakita,and Isao Kojima/5th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Radiochemistry/Japan Society of Radiochemical Sciences
- 放射能環境標準物質の開発 藥袋佳孝 JASISコンファレンス「わが国の成長を先導する先端計測分析技術・機器開発」 日本機器分析工業会
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