氏名 |
鈴木 唯 |
氏名(カナ) |
スズキ ユイ |
氏名(英語) |
Suzuki Yui |
所属 |
国際教養学部 国際教養学科 |
職名 |
教授 |
researchmap研究者コード |
researchmap機関 |
- “Sovereign Risk and Procyclical Fiscal Policy in Emerging Market Economies,” The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, Volume 24, Issue 2, 2015, pp247-280 Yui Suzki 単著 The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development 2015/02
- “Corruption-Effect on Conspicuous Consumption,” Margin: The Journal of Applied Economic Research, August 2014; 8 (3), pp215-235 (with Omer Gokcekus) Omer Gokcekus and Yui Suzuki 共著 Margin: The Journal of Applied Economic Research 2014/08
- “Financial Integration and Consumption Risk sharing,” International Review of Economics and Finance, Volume 29, January 2014, pp585?598 Yui Suzuki 単著 International Review of Economics and Finance 2014/01
- “Intensity of Trade with the EU and Corruption in Africa,” Journal of Economic Integration, Vol.28 No.4, December 2013, pp610-630 (with Omer Gokcekus) Omer Gokcekus and Yui Suzuki 共著 Journal of Economic Integration 2013/12
- “Binding Constraint of Economic Growth Under Export-Oriented Industrialization and Globalization,” Applied Economics, Volume 44, Issue 20, 2012, pp2569-2576 Yui Suzuki 単著 Applied Economics 2012/07
- “Business Cycle and Corruption,” Economics Letters, Volume 111, Issue 2, May 2011, pp138-140 (with Omer Gokcekus) Omer Gokcekus and Yui Suzuki 共著 Economics Letters 2011/05
- “Mixing Washington Consensus with Beijing Consensus and Corruption in Africa,” The Singapore Economic Review, June 2016, Vol. 61, No. 02 (with Omer Gokcekus) Omer Gokcekus and Yui Suzuki 共著 The Singapore Economic Review 2016/06
- “Interprovincial Migration and Human Capital Formation in China,” Asian Economic Journal, Volume 30, Issue 2, June 2016, pp171?195 (with Yukari Suzuki) Yui Suzuki and Yukari Suzuki 共著 Asian Economic Journal 2016/06
- 対外直接投資収益率の決定要因一日米の比較一 大野早苗氏と共著 共著 財務省財務総合政策研究 フィナンシャル・レビュー 2019/01
- "Deciding Factors in the Return on Foreign Direct Investment: ―A Comparison between Japan and the United States―" Public Policy Review, February 2020, Vol.16, No.2 (with Sanae Ono) Sanae Ono nd Yui Suzuki 2020/02
- 租税回避行為と対外直接投資の収益性一日米の比較一 大野早苗氏と共著 共著 国際経済 2019/01
- 待機児童問題と出生月の偏り 鈴木紫氏と共著 共著 武蔵大学論集 2020/03
- 対外直接投資収益率の決定要因一日米の比較一 大野 早苗
鈴木 唯 共著 財務省財務総合政策研究 フィナンシャル・レビュー 2019/01
- 租税回避行為と対外直接投資の収益性一日米の比較一 大野 早苗
鈴木 唯 共著 国際経済 2019/11
- Revisiting Childcare Availability and the Choice of Childbirth Months in Japan
共著 The Journal of Musashi University 2021/12
- 人口増減が物価変動に与える効果 鈴木 唯
鈴木 紫 共著 Musashi Journal of Liberal Arts and Sciences 2023/03
- 中国における日本企業の海外事業の動向 鈴木 唯
鈴木 紫 共著 2024/03