氏名 |
ジェン・ウェイ |
氏名(カナ) |
ウェイ ジェン |
氏名(英語) |
Zheng Wei |
所属 |
国際教養学部 国際教養学科 |
職名 |
助教 |
researchmap研究者コード |
researchmap機関 |
- I am a macro-labor economist. In particular, I am interested in studying markets with search frictions. My research is motivated by one of the most fundamental questions in labor economics: why are so many people unemployed at the same time that there are a large number of job openings?
Finding the right match is not always easy. When search is costly, it takes time and effort for workers to find jobs. Analogously, it costs time for firms to fill their vacancies. Through the lens of search and matching theory, my analysis examines policy impacts on labor market outcomes such as unemployment, job vacancies, and fluctuations over the business cycle.
Another prominent figure in the labor market is heterogeneity. Though macroeconomic models are often formulated with the representative agent, some questions cannot be accurately and properly addressed without considering differences across agents. By incorporating heterogeneity into frictional labor markets, my current research approach to topics like assortative matching, wage inequality, and skill mismatch is both theoretical and quantitative. To allow in-depth understanding of macroeconomic issues, I use micro-level data as a guide for my research.
If you are interested in the issues mentioned above, please do not hesitate to get in touch.