氏名 |
エディー・ハーン |
氏名(カナ) |
ハーン エディー |
氏名(英語) |
所属 |
国際教養学部 国際教養学科 |
職名 |
准教授 |
researchmap研究者コード |
researchmap機関 |
- Anti-Americanism, Leadership Credibility, and Support for US Foreign Policy./Eddie Hearn/American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
- Individual and Cultural Variation in Attitude Formation: An Examination of the Effect of Self-Construal on Trade Attitudes in Japan and South Korea./Eddie Hearn/Pacific International Politics Conference, Taipei, ROC
- Electoral Institutions and the Supply of Trade Policy: The Case of Japan and the TPP/Eddie Hearn/International Studies Association International Conference, Hong Kong, SAR
- Does Compensating the Losers Increase Support for Trade? An Experimental Test of the Embedded Liberalism Thesis./Sean D. Ehrlich and Eddie Hearn/International Political Economy Society, Harvard University
- Culture and the Self: The Effect of Self-Construal on Attitudes toward Trade Liberalization in Japan./Eddie Hearn/Western Political Science Association, Vancouver, BC
- Does Compensating the Losers Increase Support for Trade? An Experimental Test of the Embedded Liberalism Thesis./Sean D. Ehrlich and Eddie Hearn/American Political Science Association, Seattle, WA.
- Disentangling the Relationship between Socio- and Ego-Tropic Trade Attitudes: A Survey Experiment in Japan./Eddie Hearn/Pacific International Politics Conference, Hong Kong, SAR
- Choosing Partners: Consumer Tastes and Support for Regional Trade Agreements./Eddie Hearn/Southern Political Science Association, New Orleans, LA
- Harm, Fairness, and Trade Policy Preferences: An Experimental Examination of Sincere Fair Trade Preferences./Eddie Hearn/Midwest political Science Association, Chicago, IL
- Buying Globalization: Consumer Tastes and Trade-Policy Preference Formation./Eddie Hearn/Korean Political Science Association Word Congress, Seoul, ROK
- National Images and Trade Attitudes: The Case of South Korea/Eddie Hearn/International Studies Association, San Francisco, CA.
- Trade Policy Preferences and Concern about Your Job./Ehrlich, S.D., Maestas, C., Hearn, E., & Urbanski. P./Midwest political Science Association, Chicago, IL.