氏名 |
林 玲美 |
氏名(カナ) |
リム ヨンミ |
氏名(英語) |
Youngmi Lim |
所属 |
社会学部 社会学科 |
職名 |
教授 |
researchmap研究者コード |
researchmap機関 |
- Diaspora without Homeland: Being Korean in Japan Sonia Ryang (ed. Introduction, Ch. 3), John Lie (ed. Ch. 8), Mark Caprio and Yu Jia (Ch. 1), Tessa Morris-Suzuki (Ch. 2), Youngmi Lim (Ch. 4), Ichiro Kuraishi (Ch. 5), Chikako Kashiwazaki (Ch. 6), Erin Aeran Chung (Ch.7) 分担執筆 University of California Press 2009 978-0-520-09863-3
- まぼろしの「日本的家族」 早川タダノリ、能川元一、斎藤正美、堀内京子、奥村典子、りむよんみ、角田由紀子 分担執筆 青弓社 2018/06 9784787234377
- East Asia in Transition: Democracy, Diaspora, and the New Culture War/Ingyu OH (ed.), Tai-Lok LUI, Anthony B.L. CHEUNG, Kazuhiko TOGO, Pyong Gap MIN, Youngmi LIM, Ingyu OH/Shared writing/Cambridge Scholars Publishing/2021/12/01/978-1-5275-7507-3
- グローバリゼーションと変わりゆく社会 千田有紀(編著)、菊地英明(編著)、安藤丈将、アンジェロ・イシ、中西祐子、松井隆志、大橋史恵、りむ よんみ 分担執筆 北樹出版 2022/04/15 978-4-7793-0681-5
- Contested Zainichi Korean Historiography: Voluntary and Involuntary Migration and Backlash Hate Youngmi Lim Association for Asian Studies: AAS in Asia Association for Asian Studies
- Collection of Poems: ‘I am Twelve’ by Oka Masafumi (translation and commentary) Youngmi Lim Zainichi Korean Literature Workshop Center for International and Area Studies, Center for Korean Studies, University of California, Berkeley
- ‘Civic Protest’ Caravan Coming to Town: Hate Speech, the Internet and the Surreal Construction of Reality Youngmi Lim Annual Meeting, Association for Asian Studies, Toronto Association for Asian Studies
- Making and Unmaking of Privileges and Victims: Zainichi Korean Minority Claims, Backlash, and Counter-backlash Youngmi Lim Annual Meeting, American Anthropological Association, Montreal American Anthropological Association
- Spoiled Special Permanent Residents?: Citizenship, Residency, and Censorship in Contemporary Japan Youngmi Lim Annual Meeting, Association for Asian Studies, Chicago
- Limits of Diasporic Identity: Expression and Transmission of Korean Roots and Routes among Japanese of Korean descent Youngmi Lim Annual Meeting, American Sociological Association, Montreal
- Sympathy on the Cheap: Transnational Emotional Labor and the Offshore Reproduction of Gender and Class Relations Youngmi Lim Annual Meeting of the Society for Anthropology of North America, New York City Society for Anthropology of North America
- Contested Civic Participation: Nationalistic and Alternative Japanese Societal Membership Definitions in Resident Korean Intellectuals’ Opinion Pieces Youngmi Lim Annual Meeting, Association for Asian Studies, San Francisco Association for Asian Studies
- Osaka Story (1996): A Zainichi Family Saga,” presentation introducing Nakata Toichi’s Osaka Story Youngmi Lim Cherry Blossom Film Festival Cohen Library, City College of New York, City University of New York
- 全国型民族組織間の協働の不在とその要因に関する一考察 りむ よんみ 武蔵社会学会年次大会 武蔵社会学会
- When Invisible Race Disappears: A Follow-up Study of Practices of Ethnicity among Korean-Japanese Intermarried Families/Youngmi Lim/“Zainichi Koreans in the 21st Century: Assimilation, Re-ethnicization, Education and Next Generation,” University of Auckland, Korean Studies Center, Japanese Studies Center, CUPKS Korean Studies Research Group/University of Auckland, Korean Studies Center, Japanese Studies Center, CUPKS Korean Studies Research Group
- Crafting Claims in Tense International Relations: How Ethno-national Advocacy Groups Counter-frame Hate and Revisionist Historiography/Youngmi Lim/Symposium: Anatomy of the Radical Right in Japan and UK, Asia and Pacific Research Center, Osaka University of Economics and Law, Tokyo/Asia and Pacific Research Center, Osaka University of Economics and Law Tokyo Campus
- Invisible Racialized Minority and Intergenerational Intermarriages: A Follow-up Study/Youngmi Lim/Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association/American Sociological Association
- Korean Minority Empowerment Education in Japan: Going Global and Beyond?/Youngmi Lim/American Sociological Association Annual Meeting/American Sociological Association
- Zainichi Koreans: "Ethnic Problems" They Face in Japan since the 2000s and their Future/Youngmi Lim/Culture and Empathy Webinar, “East Asia in Transition: Democracy, Diaspora, Racism, and the New Cold War,” Center for Glocal Culture and Social Empathy, University of Seoul/Center for Glocal Culture and Social Empathy, University of Seoul