Basic information
Name |
Naito Chikae |
Belonging department |
Occupation name |
researchmap researcher code |
researchmap agency |
Specialized field ,Charge subject,Message
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Researcher Basic Information
Academic Society and Social Activity |
Researcher Activity Information
- フォールトライン-組織の分断回避へのアプローチ 単著 2023/03
- Understanding careers around the globe (eds.)Briscoe, J., Dickmann, M., Hall, D.T., Mayrhofer., W & Parry.E./Chikae Naito
Mami Taniguchi/Shared writing/Edward Elgar/2023/04
- Careers without borders: critical perspectives (eds.)Reis, C., & Baruch, Y. /Mami Taniguchi
Chikae Naito/Shared writing/Routledge/2013/01
- Career success around the world: new findings from the 5C project, Exploring subjective career success around the world: accounting for agency and structure./Andresen, M, Naito, C, Taniguchi, M, Apospori, E, Lehman, P, Lysova, E, Khavopa, S, Guntz, H. P, Briscoe, J. P, Hall., D.T, Suzanne. P.A, Zikic. J/Academy of Management Annual Meeting/2016/08/09
- フォールトラインが個人の成長と離職意向に与える影響 内藤 知加恵 経営行動科学学会第17回年次大会 2014/11/09
Competitive research funds |
Educational research achievement information: matters concerning educational ability
Example of Education Method |
Special Instructions About Experienced Worker |